Friday, May 20, 2011

6- Infants first word

# at the age of 12 months, infants start to realize that certain sounds have certain references. Infants start to use ideomorphs (words that infants invent in their attempt to acquire the language).
# naturally, children talk about what surround them. However, if the child is not able to manipulate the objects during this early stage of vocabulary development, they think that these objects are now worth naming because children don’t deal with it.
# parents care a lot about their babies' first words. To them (parents) crying, cooing and babbling are not that important. It is the first word that matters.
# once the first word id acquired, vocabulary begins to grow at exceptional rate. At the age of six, the average child has recognition of about 14,000 words.
# This is another reason why parents are excited about their babies' first words. It also signifies the start of the rapid vocabulary growth which frame their babies thoughts, feelings and perceptions as well as their linguistic development.