Friday, May 20, 2011

3- Crying

 Is crying a language?
At an early stage if a child life, crying is part of the nervous system that controls the body functions. Therefor, crying is a reponce to anoxious stimuli triggered by the autonomic nervous system.

What does this mean?
its mean that crying response is innate (godgift). Crying is  natural reaction to the nervous system.

How does crying help?
Crying is a direct preparation for a life time vocal communication. It trains babies to time their breathing patterns. The skill of timed breathing is a sign for successful speech communication for the rest of the baby's life.

Types of crying:
Iconic & Symbolic

# Crying in its initial stage is iconic. In another words, The baby cry's for reasons: hunger, discomfort, Disturbance ...etc. The hunger the baby, the louder is the crying.
However, after the first month or two crying becomes symbolic. The baby doesn't cry because he is hungry or something, he cries to get attention.

# When we are first burn, we are so weak & completely dependent on our caretakers (father & mother) for several years. After weeks of interaction with caretakers, an infant start to coo, expressing satisfaction, comfort and Happiness.

please click here and here .


  1. i loved the links
    please watch this:

  2. hhhhhhhh
    this is called fake crying
    its occurs when the child wants to grab the attention of his/her caretakers or when he/she wants something.
